“Spooky” Strategies We’re Watching

This month, I am featuring Halloween-centric brand boosting strategies that I’ve found to be light-hearted and perhaps just a little off-the-wall. My ongoing disclaimer continues to be that I do NOT have any insider knowledge of these strategies. I’ve just been around the business block and seen enough to make educated guesses on how these strategies are working to address real human needs. 

The Strategy: Marketing Individual Packs as Candy-Alternatives This Halloween

The Players: Hidden Valley Ranch

Why I’m Watching:  

I love this clever commercial innovation to promote individual packs from Hidden Valley.  "Give those Halloween trick-or-treaters a scary good surprise they'll never forget," Hidden Valley suggests. When I excitedly floated the idea to my team about handing these out at Halloween, I was swiftly shut down. However, it got the people talking about Ranch Dressing! 

But really, this is not a bad idea to consider having on hand should there be any kiddos in your neighborhood with peanut allergies, gluten allergies, or sensitivity to sugar. The limited edition bag of thirty 0.5 fluid ounce packets is selling for $20. 

My challenge to you is this: give these (or other non-candy treats) out during Trick-or-Treating in your neighborhood and report back the funniest reactions from the children and/or their parents. I’d love to know how this plays out on Halloween night! 

The Strategy: Bringing Ketchup into the Halloween Conversation with Humor AND Costume Inspiration

The Players: Heinz Ketchup

Why I’m Watching:  

I love this play from Heinz. It is both a clever 15 second spot AND a genuinely inspiring costume idea for those in a pinch this year.

These limited edition Halloween bottles of “Tomato Blood” are a fun way to get in on the Halloween spirit without infringing on candy territory.  For me, the real star of this strategy is the highly accessible tagline messaging at the end, “If you have Heinz, you have a costume.” Finding or making a costume doesn't have to be a barrier. If you can afford ketchup, you have a costume. Now, scrounging in one’s fridge and closet for a last minute slasher-film-style costume isn’t lazy, this 15 second spot just made it cheeky!  

Heinz is even encourage sharing your costume using the hashtag #HeinzHalloween, so I will be looking out for the creative ways that ketchup appears this spooky season!

(Hey, Tide! Or Dropps! Or [insert your favorite laundry brand here]! This seems like a great cross-category promotion. “Buy Tomato Blood, get a coupon for the product that transforms your costume back into regular clothes!”)  

The Strategy: Making Your Brand Packaging Into Adult Halloween Costumes

The Players: Franzia Boxed Wine

Why I’m Watching:  

Three cheers for a branded adult Halloween costume that doesn’t include the word “sexy.” Bonus points for a glow-in-the-dark costume that gives you room to bundle up (for those who tend to experience very cold Halloweens) AND room to be comfortable just in case COVID hasn’t been friendly to your waistline. 

Franzia’s adult boxed wine costumes are a delightful branding play this Halloween. Not only do these costumes give grown ups a humorous option for Halloween parties, they also come with a carrying case for a real box of Franzia that can be “dispensed” directly from the costume. Meaning, Franzia is not only the costume but also the must-have accessory, giving the Franzia brand and product access to more Halloween parties. I believe these costumes will lead to a boost in brand awareness and positive sentiment. I sure would be smiling if I saw one of these on Halloween night!

Franzia Boxed Wine Halloween Costume 2021

What do you think of these Halloween-focused branding strategies?  Let’s keep the conversation going!  Follow us on LinkedIn or email me directly: courtney@seekcompany.com.


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