Head Coach, Adventurist, Guide, Brand Builder, Servant.
What do you do?
Yep, that means I started it. I guess that means I run it. But the reality is that this thing called SEEK is a beautifully orchestrated ecosystem of the curious collective. I’m the guy that empowers and encourages the team, sets the vision for the team and strives to release the full potential in every person that works here. Let’s be honest...it’s a great gig!
What's your background?
I’m home grown in Cincinnati, OH. I have an MBA from Xavier University. I married out of my league and often find myself in awe and wonder how that happened. I have 4 amazing kids with great big hearts and a desire to make the world a better place for all of us. I started SEEK with a very strong aversion to apathy, complacency or status quo. After spending 7 years with Procter & Gamble and a profound life pivot, I set off on a journey to create a company where people couldn’t wait to get to work. In 2000, SEEK was born. Since then, I’ve had the pleasure of working with the best and the brightest people in the world. They are insatiably curious, deeply intuitive, and profoundly humble. In fact, there are times I can’t believe I get to do this kind of work. Our goal now is to humanize innovation for the world...every person...every project...every chance we get!
Favorite book, quote or song?
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands in times of challenges and controversy.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Something you’ve found inspiring?
The Nine Types of Leadership by Beatrice Chestnut, PhD, Win at Home First by Cory Carlson. Everyday Millionaire by Chris Hogan.